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Розвиток мовних та мовленнєвих компетенцій засобами аудіювання (практичний аспект)

Розділ ІІ. Дидактичні матеріали.

  1. Система вправ та завдань до текстів для аудіювання в підручнику з англійської мови (8 клас, Калініна Л.В., Самойлюкевич І.В.)

A School Joke (3, p. 189)

I. Listen and write down words with the sound /w /.

II. Write down all adjectives.

III. Choose the correct variant.

1.     The boy was …

a)     at the beginning of his schooling;

b)    in the middle of his schooling;

c)     at the end of his schooling.

2.     The boy was …

a)     hard-working;

b)    a bad “time manager”;

c)     well organized.

3.     He spent two weeks …

a)     having fun;

b)    preparing for the composition;

c)     writing his composition.

4.     There were … in his paper.

a)     no mistakes;

b)    a few mistakes;

c)     a lot of mistakes.

5.     The teacher … his work.

a)     praised;

b)    criticized;

c)     didn’t read.

6.     As a result, the boy got …

a)     a bad mark;

b)    a good mark;

  1. an excellent mark.

IV. State whether the sentences are true or false.

1.     The British high-schooler was preparing to take his final exam.

2.     It was the exam in Literature.

3.     He had to write a composition about Jack London.

4.     He was a model boy.

5.     He had two weeks to do his composition.

6.     While his classmates were working on their papers, he was reading the book “White Fang”.

7.     He wrote his composition in the afternoon, in the last minute.

  1. He got a good mark.

School Do’s and Don’ts (3, p. 189-190)

I. Listen to the first part of the text and fill in the gaps with the words given below.

Choose, are, chemistry, study, school, or, example, bus, elementary, away.



1.     We have to _____ certain subjects.

2.     We can ______ which classes we take.

3.     For _____, we study science for 3 years.

4.     We _____ allowed to decide whether to take ______, physics ____ biology.

5.     Fortunately, we go to _____ in a school ______.

  1. We are allowed to be ____ from home for longer than in ______ school.

II. Listen to the second part of the text and choose the correct variant.

1.     I’m … years old. (ten, thirteen, sixteen)

2.     I go to a … school where schoolchildren study more academic subjects. (secondary, polytechnic, grammar)

3.     My school day lasts … hours (six, seven, eight)

4.     There is a break of … minutes in the morning. (fifteen, ten, twenty)

5.     I may take a packed lunch, but I prefer to have dinner … (at home, at school, at the café)

6.     My parents meet my teachers to discuss my … (progress, behaviour, attendance)

  1. I am not allowed to … until I have done all my homework. (watch TV, relax, play football)

III. Listen to the text once more and write down all nouns and adjectives.

IV. Listen to the words from the text and state how many syllables they have.

Student, we, subject, take, pick, fortunately, continue, things, grammar, education, parents, academic, no, management, begins, association, wear, newspaper, until.

1.     one syllable

2.     two syllables

3.     three syllables

4.     more than three syllables

Midas (3, p. 191-192)

I. Correct mistakes.

1.     Midas was a prince.

2.     He was fond of silver.

3.     One day his friend entered the room.

4.     Midas was the poorest man in the world.

5.     His clothes turned into stone.

6.     His son was sitting beside him at breakfast.

7.     Midas cried that he had found his daughter.

8.     The stranger told him to go to the seaside.

9.     Midas didn’t follow the stranger’s advice.

  1. The gold returned his child to life.

II. Put the sentences into the correct order.

1.     He asked if Midas was happy.

2.     Midas cried having seen his daughter turned into gold.

3.     He spent the days counting the pieces of gold he had collected.

4.     Midas understood that gold was not the most important thing in the world.

5.     There lived a king named Midas.

6.     His daughter ran up to him and took his hand.

7.     A stranger entered the room.

8.     King went to river and brought some water.

9.     The next day everything he touched turned into gold.

  1. Midas wished everything he would touch became gold.

III. Find the opposites.

1.     important

2.     strange

3.     open

4.     rich

5.     madness

6.     morning

7.     to be fond of

 8.  lift

a)    evening

b)    put down

c)     unimportant

d)    hate

e)     well-known

f)      poor

g)    close

h)    cleverness

IV. State the tense of the sentences.

1.     He loved it better than anything else.

2.     You are the richest man.

3.     I shall never be happy.

4.     The sun was rising.

5.     He sat down to breakfast.

6.     What have I done?

  1. I will help you.

The Scottish Thistle (3, p. 194)

I. Correct the errors.

1.     In old times the Northmen landed on the west coast of Scotland.

2.     They wanted to make friends with the Scots.

3.     The Scots moved to the River Clyde.

4.     They put up their camp in the morning.

5.     The Northmen made a lot of noise on their way.

  1. They took the Scots by surprise.

II. Match the words with their definitions.

1.     thistle

2.     Scotland

3.     ancient

4.     the Tay

  5.  legend

a)   something very, very old

b)   the name of the river

c)    a kind of literary work, usually folk story

d)   the kind of plant

e) the northern part of the island of Britain

     III. Listen to the text once more and write down all words that begin with the sound /s /.

IV. Fill in the prepositions.

1.     the national emblem ____ Scotland

2.     ____ very ancient times

3.     came ____ be chosen

4.     somewhere ___ the east coast

5.     take the Scots ___ surprise

6.     they took ____ their shoes

7.     tired ___ a long march

  1. they put ___ their camp

V. Read the statements and choose the best one that gives the idea of the text.

1)    The Scots were the brave people.

2)    The thistle became the national emblem by the accident.

3)    The Northmen were not so good warriors as they thought.

  1. The Scots were saved by the plant.

The Work that Made Defoe famous (3, p. 196)

I.      Choose the correct title to each paragraph of the text.

a)    A great success.

b)    The sailor’s story.

c)     Being sixty years old.

d)    A man on an island.

  1. Imaginary world.

II.   Match the parts of the word combinations.

a)    his imagination

b)    fairly comfortable

c)     interesting life

d)    as a journalist

e)     violent quarrel

f)      of his experience

1)    A full and …

2)    Following a …

3)    To make himself …

4)    Several accounts …

5)    Captured …

6)    With his skills …


III.    Match the parts of the sentences.

1.     In 1718 Defoe was

2.     Alexander Selkirk

3.     He had been put ashore

4.     His adventure became

5.     How would

6.     He was able to make his

7.     Everybody enjoyed it,

  8.  He was rescued 

a)    the talk of the town.

b)    story seem absolutely true.

c)     through the happy chance.

d)    almost believed it.

e)     nearly 60.

f)      on an island.

g)    he live?

h)    was his name.

IV.  Listen to the text once more and find in it the words-synonyms for the given below words.

         1.     save (rescue)

2.     get acquainted (met)

3.     have a trip (travel)

4.     shore (coast)

5.     rude (violent)

6.     come back (return)

7.     make up (create)

8.     survive (stay alive)

9.     another (different)

  1. like (enjoy)

V.   Choose the correct variant to complete the sentences.

1.     Defoe lived in the ____

                        a)     17th century;     

b)    18th century;      

c)     19th century.

           2.     Defoe wrote many books and ____

      a) poems;             

      b) plays;                

      c) pamphlets.

3.     Alexander Selkirk was ____

       a) an officer;  

       b) a sailor;

       c) a writer.

4.     He lived alone on an island for ____

      a) one year;           

      b) four years;         

       c) twenty years.

5.     He was found by ____

       a) Defoe;                

       b) his officer;        

       c) sailors from another ship.

6.     Alexander returned to ____

       a) Chile;                  

       b) England;            

        c) Scotland.

7.     He was forgotten _____

        a) in a few days;     

        b) in a few weeks;  

        c) in a few years.

8.     Robinson Crusoe was ____

a)     a real life character;

b)    an imaginary character;

c)     Defoe himself.

9.     The book was very _____

       a) popular;                

       b) boring;           

       c) difficult to read.

10.   Few people know about ____

a)     Alexander Selkirk;

b)    Daniel Defoe;

c)     Robinson Crusoe.

  1. Система вправ та завдань до текстів для аудіювання в підручнику з англійської мови (9 клас, Калініна Л.В., Самойлюкевич І.В.)

The Environment and Pollution (4, p. 253)

  1. Listen to the text and write down words with the sounds /ou / and    /o /.

II.   Write down from the text words that are the antonyms for the words given below.

1.     last (first)

2.     unknown (famous)

3.     best (worst)

4.     beginning (end)

5.     good (bad)

6.     dry (wet)

7.     freezing (heating)

8.     closed (open)

9.     old (new)

  1. everybody (nobody)

III.           State whether the sentences are true or false.

1.     The word “smog” means a mixture of smoke and rain.

2.     Great English writers described thick smogs in their works.

3.     The smog of 1952 caused a lot of deaths.

4.     The river Thames is greatly polluted.

5.     People who fell into the Thames died.

6.     The British government passed the laws to protect the environment.

7.     The last quarter of the 20th country is characterized by air pollution.

  1. London air pollution is caused by a great number of cars.

IV.     Match the questions with the paragraphs of the text.

1.     What was the symbol of London in Hollywood?

2.     What is the “poop air quality”?

3.     Is the Thames in danger?

  1. What was the main problem of the 19th century?

Can’t Do Without Them (4, p. 255 – 256)

A Cheesy Story

I. Listen to the text and write down all adjectives.

II. Put the sentences into the right order.

1.     Hasan was making a trip across the desert.

2.     The milk had turned into lumpy mixture, but Hasan ate it.

3.     There is a legend about an Arab traveler.

4.     A chemical in stomach acted on the milk changing it.

5.     He had a small bag with milk.

6.     It was 4,000 years ago.

The Big Scoop

  1. Listen to the text and write down regular and irregular verbs.

II.   Read the sentences and state whether they are true or false.

1.     All ice-creams are made with natural flavoring.

2.     Vanilla flavoring can be artificial.

3.     Artificial flavoring is made up in a laboratory by cooks.

4.     They use a machine to separate chemicals.

5.     Then they add chemicals to food.

6.     Artificial tastes better.

Upside Down Minerals

I.      Listen to the text and fill in the gaps with prepositions.

1.     teeth ____ snail shells (with)

2.     hundreds ____ years ago (of)

3.     use toothpaste, ____ course  (of)

4.     made ____ minerals  (from)

5.     ingredients ____ toothpaste  (in)

  1. think ____ it  (about)

II.   Match the words in line 1 with the words in  line 2 to make up the word combinations.

1)    other, brushing, used, natural, prevent, strange

  1. tooth decay, your teeth, ingredients, way, materials, strange things

III.                       Listen to the text once more and write down all pronouns.

Text (4, p. 258)

  1. Suggest the title of the text.

II.   Listen to the text and write down words with the sounds /b / - /p /.

For example: back – plan

III.           Match the words with their definitions.

1.      the zoo

2.     a snake

3.     a bicycle

4.     a pet

       5.  a surgeon

a) an animal, beloved by people, kept in the house;

b) a doctor who performs operations;

c) a place of entertainment, there are lots of animals;

d) a kind of wheeled vehicle;

e) an animal- reptile.

IV.           Listen to the story again and choose the correct answers to the questions.

1.     Where did the story take place?

a) in Britain;       

b) in the USA;       

c) in Ukraine;      

            d) in Australia.

2.     When did the boy steal a snake?

a)     late at night;

b)    early in the morning;

c)     in the evening;

d)    in the afternoon.

3.     How did the boy come back home?

a) by bike;          

b) by boat;              

c) by bus;             

d) by car.

4.     How did he carry a snake?

a) in a bag;          

b) in his hat;           

с) in the pocket;    

d) in a fishing net.

5.     Where did he put his pet?

a) in the sitting room;               

b) in the bedroom;

c) in the kitchen;                       

d) in the lavatory.

6.     How did the boy explain the snake appearing in the house?

      a)     he wanted to have a pet;

b)    he liked to train the snake;

c)     he wanted to present the snake to his parents;

d)    he found it in the street.

7.     What did the father say about it?

a)     it was a good idea to keep it at home;

b)    it’s better to have a snake in the bathroom;

c)     it wasn’t the place for a snake;

d)    it was too dangerous for people.

8.     Where did the boy return the snake?

a) to the shop;       

b) to the park;         

c) to the zoo;      

d) to his friend.

9.     Where was the boy offered a job?

a) at a hospital;              

b) at a market place;

c) at a reptile house;      

d) at a swimming pool.

10.  What did the boy want to become?

a) a veterinary surgeon;        

b) a dentist;

c) a zoologist;                       

d) a watchman.

V.   Write down from the text words, which contain the letters given in the key-word.

                                  b                                                                   z




















                                  k                                                                   o


On a Boat Trip (4, p. 260)

  1. Listen to the text and write down the words denoting proper names and names of vegetables.

II.   From the text write the endings for these word combinations:

1)    to be full of ______ (roses)

2)    to burst into _____ (bloom)

3)    to continue _____ (trip)

4)    to try _____ (a supper)

5)    to gather _____ (wood)

6)    to peel ______ (potatoes)

7)    to put in ______ (pork pie)

  1. to enjoy ______ (a meal)

III.     Listen to the story again and choose the correct option to complete these sentences.

1.     The  tourists stopped at _______

a) Stonehenge;       

b) Sonning;        

c) York;           

d) Cambridge.

2.     The place was ______

a) at the seaside;     

b) in the mountains;     

c) on the bank;      

d) in town.

3.     The tourists decided to cook _____

a) breakfast;           

b) lunch;            

c) dinner;          

d) supper.

4.     The dish was NOT made with _____

a) fruit;                    

b) vegetables;     

c) meat;             

d) fish.

5.     Two friends ______

a) gathered wood;                b) made a fire;

c) peeled the potatoes;         d) put up a tent.

6.     The advantage of the Irish stew was _____

a)     that it required a professional recipe;

b)    that it took no time to cook;

c)     that it had many ingredients;

d)    that it was made of potatoes only.

7.     The Irish stew was _____

a) a success;     b) a failure;      c) Harris’s favorite dish;        d) a waste.

8.     The tourists would never _____ their boat trip.

a) recollect;       b) enjoy;          c) forget;           d) describe.

IV.     State whether the sentences are true or false.

1.     They got out at Sonning.

2.     Every garden is full of tulips and daisies.

3.     They decided to put up for the night on an island.

4.     George suggested having a dinner.

5.     He wanted to make an Irish stew.

6.     George started to peel potatoes.

7.     They also put in a cabbage and peas.

8.     Their dog brought a dead hare.

  1. It was a great success.

V.   State the tenses of the given sentences.

1.     It is the most beautiful place.

2.     They were bursting into bloom.

3.     It would be a splendid opportunity to try a supper.

4.     You got rid of such a lot of things.

5.     I don’t think I ever enjoyed a meal more.

 Northern Ireland (4, p. 261-262)

I.  State whether the sentences true (+) or false (-).

1. Pete is going to visit France.

2. Dylan and his family planed to go somewhere on vacation.

3. They want only viewing.

4. They would like to experience life as it was lived in times gone by.

5. Tourist agent suggests going to Northern Ireland.

6. Dylan is afraid because of bad weather.

7. Tourist agent suggests going to London and Belfast.

  1. Dylan can see everything in one week.

II.  Fill in the gaps.

1.    What cities ___ you recommend to visit?

2.     First ___ all, my parents and I put the emphasis on  participation.

3.    ___ you thinking what I’m thinking?

4.    Can you spare ___ a minute, please?

5.    It’s good to see ____.

6.    It would be great to experience ____ as it was.

7.    Sounds ____.

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