- дидактична:активізувати лексичні одиниці з теми «Food», які вивчалися протягом попередніх років; введення нової лексики, практикувати використання вивченого матеріалу як в усному та і в писемному мовленні; формувати навички роботи в групах для вирішення спільних проблем;
- розвивальна: продовжувати вдосконалювати навички читання (роботи з текстом для отримання необхідної інформації) та усного мовлення; розвивати комунікативні здібності, фонематичний слух, пам'ять, увагу, чітку й правильну вимову;
- виховна: розширювати соціокультурну компетенцію учнів, їх кругозір; любов до природи.
Обладнання: підручник, робочий зошит, роздатковий матеріал, мультимедійна презентація PowerPoint, пісня для фонетичної зарядки, аудіозаписи, відеозаписи.
І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.
Good morning, children! Take your seats, please.
I’m glad to see you here. Before we start working, let’s get acquainted. So, firstly, can you tell me your names?
And now you’ll have a little task. Take the first letter from your name and say what you like using this letter.
- For example: My name is Oksana. I like Oranges.
- Let’s do it!
- Well done!
As I could see yesterday, you like to sing songs, don’t you?
I have my favourite songs, let’s sing it together.
Thank you. You are great!
While we will work, for a good answer you will get “hands”.
Ok, now we can start. Do you know what we are going to study today? Let’s guess. I will show you the picture of my favourite food, and you must tell me what it is?
- Potato – P
- Ice-cream – I
- Cake – C
- Nuts – N
- Ice-cream – I (I really like ice-cream)
- Cheese – C
Can you tell me the topic of our lesson?
Yes, we are going to speak about a picnic!
ІІ. Основна частина уроку.
Speaking And Lexical Point
I like picnics very much. And Do you like PICNICs?
What do you usually take for a picnic?
- Children name food, we write it on the blackboard.
Ok. Look, I have a basket. It is a basket for a picnic. What is there in the basket? Let’s see.
- A plate. It is a plate.
- A mug. It is a mug.
- A spoon. It is a spoon.
- A fork. It is a fork.
- A knife. It is a knife.
Ok, let’s see once more at these things and repeat after me, please (3 times).
- A basket
- A plate
- A mug
- A spoon
- A fork
- A knife
- A cup
- A bowl
- An ice box
- Food
- What is it? (after each word)
Let’s do the next task: match the picture and the word.
(На презентації малюнок предмета і три слова, треба обрати правильне слово.)
And now let’s play game “Catcher”. You have words on the tables. I will tell a word. You must hear it, find and catch before other pupils do it. Let’s start:
- A knife, food, a basket, a fork, a spoon, a plate, a mug, an ice-box, a cup, a bowl.
Who has more? Good.
Physical Relax Minute
I see you are tired a little bit. Let’s move. Stand up, please.
Grammar Point
And now let’s see what is there in the basket? Do you remember: there is / there are…
What is there in the basket?
How many….can you see?
There is….
There are…..
I can see ….
( на презентації малюнки)
Listening and Reading
Jill and her friends are going on a picnic on her dad’s boat. Look at the pictures and read the story silently (p.53)
Now we are going to listen to the story.
Let’s read out the story in roles.
Task (in pairs): read the statements and decide whether they are right or wrong.
- Dad has a pet bird. (yes)
- There are five spoons and forks. (wrong)
- Ned can see the island. (yes)
- The food is in the picnic basket. (wrong)
- Suki lives on the island. (wrong)
- Emma has a picnic basket. (yes)
(потім обмін картками і взаємоперевірка)
Let’s check your answers.
Summing up
Now let’s see how many hands you have.
Well done. You’ve got ____ marks.
Open your day-books and write down your home task:
- Learn words
- Ex. 1 p. 57 (WB)
To end the lesson I want with a present for you. Do you like presents?
So here, under the Christmas Tree I have some presents: the certificate. You can add ___ points to your mark at any English lesson.
Thank you for your work. Good bye.
PS: if you have some more time
- Гра «Бінго»
- Завдання «Знайди мене»
Для зацікавлених: презентація до уроку, повний конспект уроку та всі додаткові матеріали можна закачати з сервера архівною папкою!!!