- дидактична:активізувати лексичні одиниці з теми «Сімейні стосунки. Родина», які вивчалися протягом останніх уроків; практикувати використання вивченого матеріалу як в усному та і в писемному мовленні; формувати навички роботи в групах для вирішення спільних проблем;
- розвивальна: продовжувати вдосконалювати навички читання (роботи з текстом для отримання необхідної інформації) та усного мовлення; розвивати комунікативні здібності, фонематичний слух, пам'ять, увагу, чітку й правильну вимову;
- виховна: розширювати соціокультурну компетенцію учнів, їх кругозір; допомогти зрозуміти важливість сім'ї, дружніх стосунків між дітьми та їх батьками, навчити вирішувати конфліктні ситуації між членами сім'ї.
Обладнання: підручник, робочий зошит, роздатковий матеріал, мультимедійна презентація PowerPoint, пісня Джо Кокера, аудіозаписи, відеозаписи.
1. Greeting. Warming - up.
Good morning, children! Take your seats, please.
I’m glad to see you here smiling. Before we start our lesson, let’s know each other a bit closer. I think all of you have heard about such thing as numerology. Numbers play a great part in our lives. So I offer you to think and choose at least 4 numbers that are connected to you. And our task will be to guess their meaning. If you don’t mind, I’ll be the first, as an example.
107, 2005, 40, 22.
(number of the school I finished, year of graduation, number of my classroom at school, number of children in my form)
Now I’m asking you to do the same. Who will be the bravest person to start?
(some pupils do the same task)
And now, please, close your eyes for some seconds and remember just one good thing that has happened to you this day. Remembered? Write it down on the sheets of paper and stick them to the trees on your tables.
Can you tell us what you’ve written?
It’s great when there is something good in your life. But, as you know, life is full of stones, that we call “problems”. Look here, there is a video-article from “Help to solve the problem!”
(pupils watch the video)
Can you see the problem here?
As you can understand, today we are going to speak about Parents and their children – is it easy to be a FAMILY?!
2. Main part.
Step 1. What does “family” mean?
To answer the main question “Is it easy to be a FAMILY”, let’s consider some points.
Firstly, let’s think what the word “family” is associated to you with.
(mind-map: pupils write “a rose” for the word “family”)
OK, let’s see what you have written.
(pupils present their mind-maps)
Now tell me please:
- How many members do you have in your family? Name them.
- Describe in a few sentences the relationships in your family.
- Do you get on well with all the members of your family?
- Do your parents trust you? And what about you?
- Do you think you are a good child for your parents?
- Are your parents often nervous?
- Are your parents understanding?
- Is there a generation gap in your family?
- Do you have arguments with your parents?
- Would you like to be the same as your parents when you grow up?
Step 2. So, Who am I? Who are they?
To answer this question we have to understand who the typical teenager is and who the typical parents are. You have a list of feature that can be connected to the parents, to the children or both of them. Think and choose some words which can explain who the teen is and who the parents are. Stick them to your papers. For example, :
- parents – money-makers
- teenagers – study at school
Go to the disco, smoke, read books, drink beer, prepare dinner, spend money, listen to music, clean the house, chat over the telephone, controle, crazy about computers, watch TV, independent, drive the car, caring, brign up, moody, well-dressed, unpredictable, up-to-date, old-fashioned, fight.
Now let’s see what you’ve written and stick them to the blackboard. Which of these features can be the reasons of misunderstanding between parents and their children?
Step 3. What is a family?
There are lots of sayings and proverbs about family and about relationship between children and their parents. Let’s read some of them.
- Sooner or later we all quote our mothers. (Bern Williams)
- By the time a man realizes that maybe his father was right, he usually has a son who thinks he’s wrong. (Charles Wadsworth)
- My mother had a great deal of trouble with me, but I think she enjoyed it. (Mark Twain)
- Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are endless. (Mother Teresa)
- Children are born to be happy.
- Like father like son. (proverb)
- Like mother like daughter. (proverb)
- Children need models more than they need critics. (Joseph Joubert)
If you have to write a motto for your family, what would you choose? And why?
- There are two lasting bequests we can give our children. One is roots. The other is wings. (Hooding Carter)
(the last saying is not correct, it misses the letters and it has only consonants)
Step 4. My family…
Pre-listening activities
Read these pairs of sentences 1-6 and the corresponding statements A-F. In each case, which one of the two sentences here means the same as the statement.
- a John’s parents grew up here, and so did he.
- John’s parents come from up north, and moved here before he was born.
- a John’s family always seemed very happy to Angela.
- Angela thinks there are some problems in John’s family.
- a Angela’s family are having a big party next month, but she’d prefer to do something else.
- Angela can’t wait for this party next month – everyone’s coming.
- a John’s expected to join his uncle’s company, but it’s really boring there.
- John really wants his uncle to give him a job in his company.
- a Angela’s big sister has really helped her by telling her what to do.
- Angela’s always told her older sister what she should do.
- a John’s brother’s never studied at university.
- John’s brother is no longer at college.
A – John grew up in the same town as his parents.
B – Angela says John’s family is a happy one.
C – Angela is looking forward to a big family party next month.
D – John hopes to work in his uncle’s business in the future.
E – Angela’s older sister has given her useful advice.
F – John’s brother recently left university.
While-listening activities
Now you will hear two friends, John and Angela, talking about their families. Read through statements A-F. As you listen, decide if each statement is true or false, according to the information you hear.
Step 5. Do we really need to argue?!
Coming back to our lesson theme, tell me now, is it really so easy to be a FAMILY?
To summarize all your answers, I offer you to write a short poem, called “cinquain”. It has 5 lines:
1 – a noun
2 – two adjectives
3 – three verbs
4 – a sentence
5 – a noun (synonym to the first line)
2 – close, friendly, loving, ….
3 – trust, love, bring up, care, share….
4 – It is a shelter.
5 - nest
3. Summing up
Can you tell me what the greatest holiday is expected soon?
Of course, Christmas. This holiday is considered to be a FAMILY holiday. Have a look!
(pupils watching video about Christmas)
Can you unscramble the word “FAMILY”?
I can!
F(ather) A(nd) M(other) I L(ove) Y(ou)
- What have you learned new today?
Continue the sentence:
At the lesson I ……
Thank you for your great work and attention!